A Student's Life: Between Fun And Struggle

Going to college represents the beginning of a whole new chapter in anyone's life. Many people feel that it's the time when they stopped being children and turned into grown-ups. Though growing up is a gradual process that is triggered both by time and life events, some still argue that leaving to college represented the moment when everything changed.

A student's life combines fun and struggle in a way that the person never experienced it before. Unless your parents are really wealthy and you have absolutely no financial-related concerns whatsoever, you will struggle at least a bit.


Despite all the challenges and the distractions that will come along the way, it's important to focus on your studies. After all, that's why you're making efforts and that's why you're there, right?

On one hand, don't give in to excessive worrying due to financial-related problems caused by loans. On the other hand, you shouldn't party too much and get in trouble at school. Usually, there is no easy way to deal with college as we all know that it's so much more than switching to a different school.

f:id:consolidatestudentloans:20151009164328j:plainThen there are the student loans. They might be designed to help you out, but this doesn't mean that things don't get stressful at times. It is never comforting to know that you can't afford your expenses and you have to get loans. Many students end up having thousands of dollars of debt by the end of college.

So what should you do? Should you skip going to college altogether? Of course not. But the key word here is balance. There are ways to cope with each aspect of student life without losing control. When it comes to student loans, you'll have the opportunity to consolidate student loans and to manage them better. And when it comes to the struggles that you'll face as you've just moved out of your home, take things step by step and allow yourself to gradually get used to your new life. Obviously when we're talking about partying, you shouldn't forget about balance and to avoid any such distractions to prevent you from reaching your goals in life.

Should I Go To College?

Deciding whether you should or shouldn't go to college is a huge decision. Probably the only thing that makes you question whether you should attend college or not is the cost. At the end of the day, going to college can be regarded to be an important purchase decision.

Tuition alone can have a price that goes up to tens of thousands of dollars. Add the living expenses and the costs get pretty scary, especially if you aren't wealthy to begin with.

It's true that you'll have to get student loans to pay for all of that and then you'll have to repay them back for the course of many years after you graduate. You can consolidate student loans and gather all of them into a single one that features a lower monthly rate and extended repayment period. That is a great advantage for any graduate.

However, you might still be concerned that even if you consolidate student loans, you might get into financial trouble. Even if the financial part plays a huge role, the decision shouldn't be based entirely on it. After all, it should come down to your own personal goals in life.

If your dream job requires a college degree, then you should follow your heart and go for it. If by any chance you think you will struggle tremendously to make ends meet, perhaps it would be better to wait for another year and to save some more money until you'll feel confident that you'll be able to make it without being worried sick that you won't have enough money. It would be a real pity to be unable to focus on your studies because of financial difficulties.


College might be a great investment, but if it's the only way to get a high paid job as a doctor or a scientist, you should take into account the fact that it will pay off pretty soon if you are determined to succeed and you are ready to put in extra efforts to make it into the field of activity you've chosen.

It is crucial to analyze everything before choosing which way to go as this is one decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. Focus not only on what your mind tells you that is right or wrong, but also listen to your heart to know whether your choice feels right or not. Don't rush and act on the spur of the moment. Take a good while to think about this.